Club Operations and GoveranceThe Owen Sound Skating Club is a fully sanctioned Skate Canada Club in good standing. The Club is a not-for-profit and is operated under the direction of a volunteer Board of Directors.
Our Annual General Meeting is held each year in the spring. |
Policies and Bylaws
Club Code of Ethics
Parent Code of Conduct Minimum Club Operating Standards Position Statement on Bullying 24-Hour RuleThe 24-hour rule works this way: if you have something to say to the coach, official or executive, or they have something to say to you (that could be contentious) wait 24 hours after the event or competition before discussing it. By this time, you have better perspective, they have better perspective and a lot of arguments naturally are eliminated in the process. It's easy to allow emotions cloud our better judgement. It's best to let the emotions simmer before talking to the coach, official or executive, adult to adult, preferably away from the rink.