Test Days
Members of the Owen Sound Skating Club will be provided with the opportunity to challenge Skate Canada tests. High and Low level testing will be available throughout the season. For more information about the testing procedure, please speak with your coach.
Eligibility In order to participate in Test Days, members must be considered in "good standing" with the Club. Guest skaters will not be eligible to test under the Owen Sound Skating Club; a minimum 1-day STARSkate or ADULTSkate membership is required. Process Coaches are required to submit their skater's tests to the Club Test Chair two weeks prior to the scheduled test day. After this date, no additional tests may be added, and withdrawal will only be considered when accompanied by a Doctor's Note. Your coach will provide you with an envelope indicating the test to be tried and total amount due. Return this envelope and payment in full to the Test Chair in order to ensure your skater's test will be processed. Fees Test Day fees are due at the time of test submission. Fees are charged per test in the amount shown: $12 Skate Canada Test Fee $5 Administration Fee TOTAL FEE per Test - $17 **Dance partnering fees will apply to those testing with a male dance partner. These fees will be billed separately from your test fees. Should a skater choose not to participate in a test that has been submitted for inclusion in a test day, that test shall be considered a "Retry" and will be marked as such on the skater's official Test Record. Testing out of Club Should a skater choose to test outside of the Owen Sound Skating Club (Low Test) and/or outside of the Northwest Area (High Test), the skater must first request permission from the Club Test Chair. It is the responsibility of skater to ensure the Testing Club follows proper procedure in the submission of test records to Skate Canada. OSSC will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur as a result of testing out of Club. It shall also be noted that any skater who tries a test out of Club will be required to try all subsequent tests in the same discipline (Dance, Free, Skills, Interpretive) at the same Club for the remainder of the season. i.e. Owen Sound Skating Club member elects to try Swing Dance at ABC Skating Club December 2013 Low Test Day. The same member must now try her Willow Waltz at the next ABC Skating Club Low Test Day. |
High Test DaysLow Test DaysSummary of Tests